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What is Consumerism?

Consumerism: The belief that spending high amounts of money on "goods & services" is good.

Like most people, I too am a consumer. It is impossible not to be... I mean we all need food, shelter, transportation, clothes etc. to survive. Without these factors, it would be very hard to be alive. I realize that "consuming" is not the problem... "Excessive Consuming" is!

Last week, I decided to deep clean my room after realizing how much stuff I had and very little room to store things in.

I started looking up consumerism videos and decided to watch a couple of them to truly grasp on the concept. I gotta say I am impressed with the information I've gained. When we begin to buy things continuously, perhaps even things we don't need but we want, that is where the problem begins. We as a society tend to get wrapped up on the idea that "more is better".

For example, nowadays we no longer conform ourselves with the essentials.We now want the newest gadget, bigger houses, luxurious cars, and trending clothes. The U.S is a great example of hyper-consumerism because advertising companies here are constantly bombarding people with advertisements urging them to buy things. This definitely makes it harder for people to stop over consuming YET it is not impossible!

Here are some of the videos I watched that made me realize that "Less is more".


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