Credit Cards + Consumerism = :/
What do credit cards and consumerism have in common you ask? Well, there are many but one that triggers me the most is debt/bankruptcy. Back in the 20th century, Many Americans believed that owning too many credit cards, houses, cars, and land was a sign of wealth and power. Of course, this was true but it was only applicable to those who were members of a higher class. The reality is that low income people hated to own a lot of things not because they were trying to help the planet but because they basically hated to be in debt.
Now, the truth is majority of Americans hate credit cards! Only people with money like them but even then, they try not to use them as much. It’s true credit cards open doors for middle and lower class individuals but when it was time to pay back the money, most of them felt trapped in a dark hole putting them in the border of bankruptcy. My mother knew a woman who lost her home and had to take extra jobs to pay off some of her credit card bills. I could not believe that those small plastic rectangular cards we use were could have such a power over us. The worst part was that not everything she own was something you would say was “necessary”. Learning how to control the use of credit card use ties back to our mode of consumption. We must constantly remind ourselves ….Do I Really Need It?